TVB59X - maximum TS play/record speed
Post date: Oct 1, 2010 2:28:30 AM
1. ASI input: maximum Mbps possible?
Maxmum record speed
TVB590C: 340Mbps
TVB595C/TVB597A: 230Mbps
TVB597A and TVB595C has identical performance.
2. USB: is it possible to have a TS at 74Mbits/s for DVB-T or DVB-S2
Maximum playback speed
TVB590C: 500Mbps
TVB595C/TVB597A: 220Mbps
USB interface throughput itself is fast enough. But DVB-S2 symbol
rate is limited to 45MHz.
3. DVB-S2 and TVB595: Currently limited to 22Mbps. Is this limitation
present for TVB597?
Without RRC, the maximum symbol rate is 45MHz and With RRC filter on,
the maximum symbol rate is 22.5MHz for TVB595C/597A.